Car Maintenance Red Flags and Worse Case Scenarios
April 18th, 2018 by Rebecca Webb
Today we are going to offering advice on some car maintenance red flags that you really shouldn’t ignore. These are signs and indicators that often mean something is broken or deteriorating in your car. Now, at BCS, we pride ourselves on our dedication to offering measured and impartial advice to help clients and readers optimize their time and maintenance budget. However, we also possess an insatiable appetite for servicing cars. It almost obscene. Seriously, it’s literally all we want to do. Consequently, in the first part of each advice segment we are going to give you an impartial, nuts-and-bolts breakdown of what each red flag can mean based on our years of experience in car maintenance. Then, in the second part, we’re going to give you a worst-case scenario to see if we can’t scare you and your car through the door. Disclaimer: These worst-case scenarios will be heavily influenced by the last movies we watched and may not be ‘true’ in the strictest sense. Red flag number 1: Weird noises We’re not talking about the bizarre sounds emanating from your children’s iPod or that rhythmic thumping from the car boot that you later thought sounded a lot like Morse…
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